Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Medical student has no life at all

Was been busy lately... all because of a pathetic case report which took my ENTIRE weekend away.There goes my precious weekend without any rest at all and now ended up with torturing and miserable headache due to lack of sleep.

Who to blame? me myself. Why? because of laziness, and drag this whole thing to the last minute. whatever it has been... there's the result and i am kinda disappointed of myself.

Well, it's been freaking raining for a few days already. I hate raining here because I have to walk to classes and my shoes and pants are always wet. It is so uncomfortable in wet cloths, shoes and socks. People here can't just work out with their drainage system,poodles everywhere but they can't be blame because Malaysia also sucks at it.

It's a short entry all because of useless head is freaking pulsating now... Gosh, when all this will be over...

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