Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Oh my....

Forensic cycle with exam just around the corner makes my life miserable....
To spice things up, each chapter of home task is so numerous leaving me no time to study for exam....

Why the stupid system of Ukraine's education so bad wan..... no study break at all and expect everyone to cover the topics within few days....

Even more stupi--er thing is what I am usually studying is:

..... how some dude fall off from a lorry...wtf
Or this...even better...


Ultimate structure of gun and bullet..

...Or how a bullet is being fired....

Maybe one day if I decided not to become a doctor, I shall become some killer or something...wtf

Back to books....cya


Draco Argentum said...

Bwahahahahaha.. i didn't read that yet..didn't know such picture existed in the book.. =p
BTW...dude fell of a freaking lorry..cause of death is coz he fell off a freaking lorry..why the bloody heck we need an autopsy to confirm that... O_O!!

Jacklyn said...

Not that bad, just that the cycle happens to be at the end of semester, days before state exams, that is what that make it so bad :(