Saturday, April 25, 2009


Picture adapted from Carol's Blog

This is a "post-sis birthday" post.
According to her blog ...this is what she roughly received.
And the climax of this picture is......

The BRA... tangled on her monitor.

Erm... still short of my pressie...

A panties perhaps? to match the bra...

Dear sis,
you always complain that you don't have bra or your bra "rotten" or bla bla bla...

Now, you have one more extra bra... congrats.

And please on earth stop stealing mine and force it in although the size is too big for you.haha...

Glad that you enjoyed ur birthday.


Anonymous said...

and here i am thinking that you wear only singlets..... what a good excuse; you sister stole all your bras... wahahah

JU and WM said...

babi you... i wear BRA OK?!

Carol said...

You want to die is it!!
Making a post like that!!
I throw your bolster away then you'll know!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW!I didnt steal your bra, just 'borrow'

Draco Argentum said...

OMG..ur bra too big for ur sis??? OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! O_O!!!

TT said...

Oo enlightening....

JU and WM said...

Dear sis: Hope you don't mind and please spare the precious life of my bolster. He's too cute to be "killed". You can "borrow" my bar as much as possible.:)

Draco: What is with the OMG?
somemore OMG so many times.

Carol said...

Say bye bye to your bolster! May it rest in peace.

Cassey Raey said...

lol XD sisters fight terrro....XD hahaha btw wenling..and wenming i'm so happy to see our childhood picture in the blog...hehehe sweet memories abt us...