The smashed potato it's under the pork, which absorb all the gravy, one mouthful and only one word can describe~~ heaven.
And here's the party part. Thanks everyone for making it happen, I enjoyed it very much.
Beware, there are lot's of pictures of me and myself.. duh.. what you expect, it's my birthday.
Beware, there are lot's of pictures of me and myself.. duh.. what you expect, it's my birthday.
They make me put the frame .. cox I am the birthday girl.
Me and my cake
Joyce and me.
The cake nice right? It tasted delicious too.
Thanks girl for baking it for me.
Love it so much.
External hard disk I received from my friends. Thanks pals.
Thanks people.
Nothing more to say, Big thank you to everyone, it's the thoughts that count, you know who you are ...
Special note to Joyce, thanks girl, appreciate what you done. So touched.
Special note to Joyce, thanks girl, appreciate what you done. So touched.
cherish this bunch of great friends!
those that are insincere are not worth your remembrance at all.
btw, nice cake ! nice you!nice smile! nice frens u have there!
ya, ya,
totally agreed wit u.
Hope you enjoyed it
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