Sunday, May 24, 2009

Exams,exams, EXAMS!!!

First of all, I would like to kill the dude that invented exams.
2nd, I would like to kill my EXTREME Surgery Teacher, good teacher for the name "EXTREME", no more comments on him.
3rd of all, I may feel like killing my Forensic teacher to be! ( kesian lar, dunno who also wanna kill)

Exams........ I hate exams, seriously hate exams.

Exams exams exams....driving me nuts..........

what the hell.....struggle through it and I'll be home in a blink of eye....Let's hope for the best!

Good luck everyone.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The new printer...

Finally My new Canon PIXMA MP240 arrived. Today after class we went to the one and only cheap computer shop in Sinferopol to shop for a printer. Apparently this is place is still stuck in the old USSR era where technology is something imaginary to them, so all they have is some model of printer which you probably will find in a musuem elsewhere.

Due to communication problem, we've done some research on the net but the result is "0" when you google the model because most of the manufacturer has stopped producing this line of product. One the model which I able to get is this Canon PIXMA MP240 which is probably the latest model in Simferopol. So here we are, with the new printer ........

Me in my super "sexy" pyjamas, opening the printer box.
You have to pull out the printer this way.
Following the instrutions "attentiously". The muscular hand there is not mine lar. The printer damn shit heavy, of course I cannot carry it.
to be continue...
all NETPOINT fault lar.... Ukraine lousiest internet connection.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What a hectic week!!

What a hectic week and I hope all of this is over in a blink of eye...

First of all it all started with us group 530 getting the worst teacher in the entire Extreme Surgery Department. What the hell, where all the nice teachers gone too?? This particular teacher is a typical USSR old dude and maybe got 2 great concussions on his head during the GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR as quoted in the " Fundamental Question of Surgery in Extreme Conditions manual" published by CSMU. Everyday he would choose few students to torture, torture them mentally to death despite the fact that exams are coming and we need to prepare for exams.........his English is so good that he only understand a few words when you are answering him, when you answer, you need to hit his key words are he eat you up alive.

Then this wreck continued with my printer deciding to stop functioning. WHAT THE HELL, why all of sudden at this time?????

Then this week will not end with my screen flickers with some horizontal white line and decided to go blackout within seconds. This situation gave me a near to cardiac arrest moment and my heart sank to the bottom of the sea. The feeling is just like"oh please, give me a knief to kill myself". Then it decide to rest for at least an hour and decidede to bloop back to function....gosh, please don't continue to PMS already.........please at least last me till I get, my monitor gone black again so i gotta end this post! cya

disclaimer: wtf doesnt mean wtf that you are thinking of. it just a common trend to express whatsover dammn pissed expression. sorry for the spelling mistake as i am tying this is dark balck screen

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Siew Yoke Recipe


Hahahaha... today "Auntie Michelle" is gonna teach you guys the ultimate way to a crispy and crunchy siew yoke. Despite the swine flu and so on ... stupid lar, swine flu is Influenza H1N1 lar, is human-human transmission lar not caused by eating pork lar!!!

Siew Yoke is "burn meat" in Cantonese, but the taste of this dish is not the way the name sounds, it is absolutely fascinating.

Siew Yoke Recipe adapted from various internet recipe website

1) Go to the market and choose a nice piece of fatty 3 layered pork. 3 layered here means : skin, fat, meat, fat, meat ........fat... meat.... but not too thick lahz!!

The look of the raw meat!

2) Wash the piece of meat, scrap the dirt out from the skin using a knife. Ignore the "bulu" as it will melt once you roast it.

3) Wipe the meat dry, dry here means real real real dry. Coat with thick layer of salt, skin, meat, fat, esp the skin.

4) Coat with chinese -five spice powder.

5) Coat with a little bit of pepper. If you want to give it an extra colour, coat with "nan-ru" Red fermented beancurd.

6) Then Coat the SKIN with vineger. SKIN only.

7) Place it uncovered in the fridge and repeat step 6 for at least 6 times.

When the pork is real dry, heat a pan, put some oil and fry the skin only.

Then place it erected ( erected here means skin on top , not laying flat, refer to the picture of the raw meat above) in an oven, roast it for 170 degree for 45 mins/ until the pork is cooked. ( 170 degree is to keep the meat moist) The skin will not give you the "poppy" feeling at first but just be patient.

After the meat is cooked, turn the oven to 220 degrees and "blast" the skin, now the skin should pop like no body business.

Chop and served while hot with rice or with mee.

See... the final product. I chop off the ribs to munch it on later.

Best served with noodles.

A close up of the "popped" skin. See and feel and imagine the bite....Drooling already?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Classification of USANA Supplement pills.

I was taking USANA Supplement pills this morning and decided to rearrange the entire series of pills I was taking into this order.

1) The largest and most difficult to swallow pills ---- AO pro and Chelated Minerals. Why the heck the manufacturer want to produce so enormous size of pill. Make my life difficult only!!Traumatize of palate and pharynx.

2) The slightly smaller but not that easy to swallow---- Active Calcium Plus. Equally difficult to swallow and caused many episodes of choking and "nearly- aspiration Syndrome" in me attempting to swallow these evil little pill.

3)The smooth glittering golden-yellow pill----Biomega. Finally one brilliant dude decided to put it in a capsule form. Thank god finally!! To make my miserable swallowing pill life a little easier but he totally ignored the filthy smell of cod liver oil that happens few minutes later after swallowing the pill regurgitating from your esophagus back to your mouth aka Burb!!! That feeling is depressing, so depressing that you feel like commiting suicide just because of that smell!!! Biohazard...beware!!!

4)Medium-small size pill---Gingko-PS. It is easy to swallow but the bitterness of this pill stuck in your mouth will not go away for another hour or two.

5) Heaven sized small pill---Proflavanol. The smallest of all and its my favourite tablet. Without any difficulty , at a go!

SO there goes the most devastating, misereable moment of my life everyday taking these pills. Why I have to do it ? Because these are blardy BLARDY expo and it's too waste to throw when you shift it by air over here in Ukraine!!!!

Stupid scientist, invent a "Swallow-friendly supplement" or I will get water intoxication or hypernatremia or whatsoever complication due to over drinking of water..... just to swallow all these " Swallow- UNFRIENDLY" pills.

P/s: No offense USANA, it's just my personal opinion, and your pills are really good despite the swallowing part.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dang...Dang.. Dang...

Dang....Dang.. Dang........
Not wedding bells lar... it's exam bells......ringing like the yipidee yap yap bird or the buzzing bee buzzing non stop around your ears making you getting an adrenaline rush.......

Babi... it's just exams are coming and I am still lazing around....

No mood lar how how how?

Busy days ahead ...........

Btw it's gonna be a long long hiatus here ....till then........cya.

Monday, May 04, 2009

3 little friends taking bath.

One day, Mr. Turtle, Mr. Hippo and Mr Bear were chit-chatting after dinner.

Mr. Hippo: Turtle.. Omigosh, you are so dirty. Look at you, you are covered with dust which is even thicker than the snow during winter.

Mr .Turtle: errr.... ya, I know, but what do you wan me to do?

Mr. Bear: Perhaps, It's time for all 3 of us to take bath.We can go take bath and then get into the "roller-coaster" for a spin....

All: Yeah.. yippeeee...wonderful.....

(*Sigh, animals brain)

So 3 of them decided to go take bath "together-gether" on Sunday. but...

None of them ever took a bath before so the brainless Turtle decided that he should dip into the Grey pool 1st because it was full of bubbles and it looks magical...

Once the turtle was inside, half of the water gone. " Gosh, where all the water gone????? Inside me?" wondered the bloated turtle.

The the Bear and the Hippo damn "bo shong" the turtle as he" dried" the pool up leaving nothing for them, so they also decided to squeeze into the pool too!But, their stomach volume are insufficient to "suck" all the water up, but they are happy because they are equally bloated. ( sigh..kiasu--ism)

So 3 animals was happily singing and bathing in the pool rubbing one another's back...

Then they 3 both went for a spin in the roller coaster...... out from the roller coaster: all 3 of them look at each other wondering :" What is that ugly creature standing in front of me, should I run? should I fight?"

Then suddenly, a familial voice of Mr. Turtle came out from one of the creature:" It's me , it's me, the same old Mr turtle" Mr Bear and Mr Hippo said:" what on earth happen to you?"

Mr. Turtle:" I think I look like shit now is because I am soaking wet. Help me to get dry and I'll be the same as before ".

So the 3 animals climbed up the window steel of and hunged themselves on a hanger....

Lonely turtle still on the window...almost bursting to tears.

Apalah ini... Is just that I washed the animals on my bed and they are now free except for Mr. Turtle who is still soaking wet.

See what this long long holiday 'havee done to me?

Hope you enjoy the stupid and lame story.